April 19, 2023, Grand Jury Protest at Nesbitt Courthouse

Organized efforts continue in the support of overturning the Supreme Court Order 1993 and changes to Criminal Rules 6 and 6.1. For further details of this movement you can find more information in this past article David Haeg is Fighting for Alaskans. Also, at the Alaska Grand Jurors Association, and Alaska State of Corruption.

 David Haeg and Sarah Short appear energized by the news of support coming from across the nation to overturn the recent SCO 1993 ruling that changed Criminal Rules 6 and 6.1. Residents of other states are concerned the power grab in Alaska can happen in their own state. Those residents want to prepare for the day their state will do the same, so they won't be victimized by the government along with Alaskans.

 All photos by Jessica Schultz Pleasant 

Supporters took time to pray for change.

Immigrant's have horrible stories of how the government has treated them. This mother in red has had the State of Alaska take 7 of her children. Apparently one child was having up and downs and brought attention to their home. Stories of missing children chills the soul. What was heartbreaking was to learn this mother is still breast pumping. Just tossing away her nutrients meant to feed her baby. It makes one so angry to know this is what the OCS officers are doing. 

This is criminal. By March 2, 2022, the Biden administration lost 20,000 migrant children. 
According to the Center for Immigration, a committee meeting was about the exploitation of unaccompanied migrant children, held for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement. The following is the statement of Jessica M. Vaughan from the Center for Immigration Studies:

"The mass migration crisis instigated by the Biden administration’s misguided immigration policies has caused incalculable harm to American communities, to the integrity of our immigration system, and, tragically, to many of the migrants themselves. These migrants were enticed by these policies to put themselves in risky situations to cross the border illegally, led by criminal smuggling and trafficking organizations, and enabled by government agencies and contractors that have looked the other way at the abuse and exploitation that frequently occurrs en route and after resettlement. The most vulnerable group that has been endangered by the Biden policies are the more than 300,000 minors who have arrived on his watch (out of 660,000 total since 2012). They have been carelessly funneled through the custody of U.S. government agencies and contractors, and handed off to very lightly vetted sponsors (who are usually also here illegally) in our communities without regard to their safety and well-being. There is no question that the system for processing minors who cross illegally is dysfunctional, and has been for some time, and needs to be fixed. However, merely improving the processing and placement of UACs will not address the cause of the problem; it would only make a bad policy just slightly more safe for a still endless flow of unaccompanied minors. Instead, Congress must focus on fixing the main cause of the problem – the legal loopholes and judicial rulings that force and enable the government to operate a massive catch and release program for illegally arriving alien children. In addition, Congress should refuse to fund the Biden programs that facilitate this influx of child migration and reform the Special Immigrant Juvenile program that offers a green card to tens of thousands of UACs."

During her interview, a man walked by and told her his story. The man described he has been looking for his son for the past 12 years. When he went to search for his son the State claimed there is no record of his son. Even though he was dealing with a new child's custody over issues years ago, dealing with his son. So, the court wants to take his present child from him for the past, while claiming the State has no record of his lost son. 

This is the Alaska court system and OCS. This is why SCO 1993 and the Criminal Rules 6 and 6.1 need to be overturned. This will return the powers of the grand jury back to the people of Alaska, to hold those corrupted in the government accountable for their crimes.

1. Arthur, Andrew. (02 MAR 2022). Biden Administration Lost Nearly 20,000 Migrant Children (cis.org). Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved on April 26, 2023.
2. Vaughan, Jessica. (26 APR 2023) Microsoft Word - testimony.exploitation of uacs under biden policies.housejudiciary.april 2023.docx (cis.org). House Judiciary Committee. Retrieved on April 26, 2023.
3. Vaughan, Jessica. (26 APR 2023). The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied Alien Children (cis.org). Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved on April 26, 2023.


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