Two Reasons Abortion Pills in the Mail Are Not Right For Alaska

Conservatives are under fire for their opposition to abortion pills in the mail. While the majority of conservatives are pro birth control methods, it is the destruction of life after conception that becomes a moral, not political, position for conservatives. Democrats are focusing on abortion pills, because taking a pill seems so removed and deceptively innocent. The Democrats nonchalant plan is for taxpayers money to provide abortion pills on demand in the mail. No other state in America compares to Alaska, with two ways Alaskan women will be at risk by abortion pills in the mail. These include medical emergencies and unaddressed sexual abuse.  

History of Planned Parenthood

According to Planned Parenthood, their “mission is to ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives, and their futures.” Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, an idol to the political left. A woman with a disturbing history. A history of eugenics and social engineering based on the “extermination” of the minorities, disabled and mentally ill communities.


\After a Sanger letter to Gamble of Proctor Gamble, on December 10, 1939, became available to Americans on the internet, the Democrats could no longer deny the truth about Sanger. According to the New York Times, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York disavowed the founder. Calls demanding their the building, on Bleecker Street in Manhattan, and a street nearby, named after Sanger to be changed.

Per Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, “The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, said in a statement.” Internally and publicly the Manhattan office will be now known as the Manhattan Health Center.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the national organization publishes fact sheets that now recognize Sanger’s call for a superior race through eugenics. This dark secret has been exposed, with images of Sanger speaking to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in 1926.


The Planned Parenthood national organization decided to support the actions of the New York office to remove Sanger’s name and influence from its mission of birth control options. Birth control was liberating for women, but abortion and mutilations was born from the need to “exterminate” the unwanted.

After decades, Planned Parenthood admitted Sanger was driven to abort or sterilize the minorities, sick and impoverished. It was acknowledged Margret Sanger was “placing so-called illiterates, paupers, unemployable, criminals, prostitutes, and dope fiends on farms and in open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct.”

“The biggest concern with Margaret Sanger is her public support for the eugenics medical philosophy which was rooted in racism, ableism and classism,” said Merle McGee, the New York chapter’s chief equity and engagement officer.

With regard to the Sanger letter to Gamble in 1939, it’s apparent there has been secrecy and deception within Planned Parenthood since its inception. Planned Parenthood outwardly orders women and girls to avoid any other care options for women. “When looking for a place to get an abortion, beware of “crisis pregnancy centers.” Planned Parenthood site states, “These fake clinics seem like medical centers that offer abortions or other pregnancy options, but they’re actually run by people who want to scare or shame people out of getting an abortion.”

They Democrats prefer to hurt their own family planning organizations with the controversy of mass abortions. With limited options and resources for women, the Democrats scare them from conservative clinics. The conservative clinics allow women to see and hear the baby within by ultrasound.  

According to Live Actions, former abortionist, Dr. Joseph Randall exposed the manipulation of women behind the scenes. Stating, “[T]he women who are having the abortions are never allowed to look at the ultrasound, because we know even if they heard the heartbeat that many times they wouldn’t have the abortion, and you wouldn’t want that. No money in that.”

Planned Parenthood has a business model. If young women go to other women’s crisis centers they may receive an ultrasound that results in many young women keeping the life growing inside them. According to Life News, 78% of pregnant women seeking an abortion change their mind after an ultrasound. By creating fear in women. to avoid other charitable options, is meant to protect Planned Parenthood from competition, and the profits lost when a mother prefers to keep her baby.

Life News quotes Dr. Joseph Randall, “They [the women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn’t want to have an abortion.”

Sanger knew she required the compliance of the black community to fulfill her extermination goals. Sanger admits she planned the use of black ministers to straighten out their more religious members that recognized the real Planned Parenthood agenda. No one exemplifies the results Sanger was looking for more than Senator and pastor Raphael Warnock of Georgia.

Warnock preaches to his flock to defend abortion. To defend their own extermination? He is a senator, a person that should be informed on such an important issue. Either he does not know about this letter and is uninformed, or he is not sharing the facts with his parishioners.

Throughout history, civilizations have resorted to abortion and infanticide out of the need to survive. Parents often saw themselves as the more likely to survive through harsh times. At times, parents had to choose between one child over another. It was an ancient and animalistic last resort when parents chose to abandon infants in the wild to succumb to the environment. Conservatives believe technology and medicine has progressed to the point that mass abortions are unnecessary.

It is 2022! There is no need for this brutality. The need for birth control did create many new options for family planning. There is a reason why women in the past feared miscarriages, because it could mean life or death. The abortion pill is purposefully placing young women in this position. Yet, Planned Parenthood and Democrats will die on this hill to maintain the antiquated and brutal task of abortion.

Abortion Pill Complications

According to Planned Parenthood, there may be emergency complications after taking the abortion pill. For example:

  • the abortion pills do not work, and the pregnancy does not end
  • some of the pregnancy tissue is left in your uterus
  • blood clots in your uterus
  • bleeding too much or too long
  • infection
  • allergic reaction to one of the medicines  

In some cases, life threatening complications occur and require an immediate response. Such as:

  • have no bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine (misoprostol)
  • have heavy bleeding from your vagina that soaks through more than 2 maxi pads in an hour, for 2 or more hours in a row
  • pass large clots (bigger than a lemon) for more than 2 hours
  • have belly pain or cramps that don’t get better with pain medication
  • have a fever of 100.4 or higher more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol
  • have weakness, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol

While some complication may cause infertility, the mind takes more time to heal. Even Planned Parenthood acknowledged psychological harm may occur after an abortion, then minimalize or do not fully impress upon the mother the severity of guilt and pain she will experience afterwar.  “Serious, long-term emotional problems after an abortion are rare, and about as uncommon as they are after giving birth. They are more likely to happen in people who have to end a pregnancy because of health reasons, people who do not have support around their decision to have an abortion, or people who have a history of mental health problems. Most people feel relief after an abortion.”

Why abortion pills in the mail are wrong for Alaska?

Over one hundred years ago, the founders of America realized the faults of a government led by one person that was removed from the people by an ocean. In their time, an English King dictated the lives of those citizens across the ocean in America. In response was the creation of federalism. This concept allowed states to address issues important to their citizens. Not every state is the same. Alaska is a state that exhibits the need for federalism. Many Alaskan obstacles are not seen anywhere else in the United States. The issue of abortion and Alaskan medical access infrastructure is no different.

The Covid pandemic exposed the difficulties dealing with the grand scale of Alaska and its healthcare system. The rural communities are often isolated. Often the communities can only be reached by boat or plane.

The Democrat Party stands for the one size fits all approach in regulating the states. They do not take in to account the differences between each states. In regards to abortion, the Democrats range in support of abortion on demand up and even a week past birth. Democrats want infanticide. The Democrats even attack parental rights, by denying knowledge of their underage daughter’s abortion.

Government medical care becomes overwhelmed. Tax dollars and resources are often wasted, and the care is run like a machine. One’s medical care loses its personalized approach. This behavior is seen within the Veteran Affairs healthcare system. Before President Trump’s changes, the VA had secret waiting lists. Trump’s VA Choice program allowed veterans to schedule appointments with civilian physicians. The care for veterans has entered the capitalist system, creating competition, which has improved the health of veterans. The governments involvement in healthcare would mimic the failures seen within the VA prior to Trump. Especially under President Obama, many veterans went years with inadequate healthcare.

The first concern of abortion pills in the mail is the fact Alaska has many communities isolated within the interior or on islands. According to Alaska Public Media, “Some of Alaska’s remote villages can be 100 miles from the nearest hospital, and many are disconnected from the road system and only reachable by plane.” According to the US Department of Agriculture, there are many difficulties within the Alaskan infrastructure to meet the needs of Alaskans. In some cases the nearest hospital might require flights to the mainland to larger cities. Some trips include landing on a 3,000-foot gravel airstrip in the sea.

The process Democrats want would likely require telehealth appointments to order birth control. Yet, Planned Parenthood warns preexisting medical conditions place women at risk for complications. It is recommended to have blood work and STD testing. Women would still have to jump through hoops to have blood work at a local lab. What is more likely to happen is the women will not be required to have the blood work recommended

If medical complications occur in one of Alaska’s remote communities, women and girls will not immediately receive the adequate treatment required; if not for days. Allowing for a young girl in a remote community, maybe behind her parents’ back, to take a medication that may cause hemorrhaging. This Democrat policy is irresponsible. The medical risk out outweighs the inconvenience of traveling to a larger city to receive an abortion. A one size fits all approach by the Democrats, using the federal government to legislate universal law, will not safely work within Alaska

In any other state than Alaska, if you follow Planned Parenthood’s statistics, one could argue delivering abortion pills through the mail is of minimal risk. But, the lower 48 states have the blessing of immediate access to emergency services if any complications occur from the abortion pill. The cookie cutter approach used by Democrats would put many women in remote communities in Alaska at medical risk.

Planned Parenthood attempts to downplay the medical risks by explaining any complications can be addressed easily it’s your local emergency room. Their position exposes the Democrats ignorance and denial of federalism. Conservatives believe the states are the representatives. Each state has their own interests, resources, geography, and economy. Infrastructure varies and is the most concerning reason to disallow abortion pills in the mail in the mail.

Secondly, beyond the medical risk to women and girls, the anonymity afforded by a purchaser eliminates a physician’s key observations; only obtained with in person care. The consequences may be the under reporting of sexual abuse. Imagine all the children who have an abusive custodian that can order the abortion pill as many times as the abuser wants. Democrats want a process where no questions are asked. Without in person medical supervision young women may never be recognized as victims.

The limited police force within the Alaska villages leaves women and children at risk of violent crimes. Many women are assaulted every year in rural communities. The isolation creates an environment for repeat offenses. Offenses that may result in pregnancy might be disguised as a child allowed to order abortion pills without parental consent. The anonymity and access to these pills can be used by their sexual abusers to erase the evidence of their crimes.

According to the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission, “Recidivism is a term to describe repeat offenders. In Alaska, recidivism rates for those convicted of domestic violence crimes are higher than those of people who commit any other type of crime, according to the report, with a rate of 41% compared to a rate of around 20% for the other groups.”

 The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports, “On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.”  

According to Alaska’s News Source, on May 3, 2022, the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission released disturbing results. “The survey performed in 2020 found that nearly half of adult Alaska women — 48% — have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime. That’s an increase from the rate in both the 2010 and 2015 surveys, according to the new report.”

Furthermore, 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. According to NCADV, “Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.” Many abuse victims fear asking for help, because of the risk their abuser may respond violently. The seclusion of rural Alaska only heightens the vulnerability of isolated women and children.

The issue is exacerbated as many communities do not have the typical municipal police department or Alaska State Troopers stationed within the community. Some communities lack a road system, so a trooper may have to “fly, snowmachine, or boat to a community to handle any public safety emergencies, making the problem of domestic violence magnified.”

According to Taylor Burke, writer for Alaska’s News Source. Executive Director of the Alaska Judicial Counsel Susanne DiPetro, explained, “In the smaller villages ... the resources just aren’t there for the victims, and often ... law enforcement, as its been well documented, is not as readily available,” DiPietro said. “So the law enforcement response in the smaller areas of rural Alaska may also be delayed compared to the urban areas or even the rural hubs.”

In Alaska, almost half of the sexual violence victims have been abused by those in their home. An environment that isolates with very little policing allows abuse to go unrecognized. The only way to prevent a child from being raped is by interacting with the victim. Medical staff interacting with the parents may become suspicious of the parental participation in a child’s unwanted pregnancy.

American’s must deny broad federal laws allowing abortion pills ordered through the mail. Banning the abortion pill through the mail is not the same as banning access to birth control. Some conservative politicians are running on the platform of easier access to birth control. Arguing a man can purchase prophylactics over the counter, so women should have their prophylactics available for purchase over the counter.

In conclusion, the Alaskan infrastructure is underdeveloped. Medical concerns and missed warning signs of occurring sexual crimes should not be ignored. Alaskans should vote against abortion pills in the mail. Again, this is not an argument against birth control pills. In the conservative party, birth control has been the answer to ridding America of abortion practices.




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