Tulsi Gabbard Ditches the Democrat Party

It’s about time. Former Hawaiian congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has rejected the Democrat Party. Harken to the words Ronald Reagan said about his leaving the Democrat party. He described how he felt he was not leaving the party, but that the Democrat party left him. On October 11, 2022, Gabbard released her first videos for her show on YouTube called The Tulsi Gabbard Show. She coincided the premiere of her channel with her announcement of ending her affiliation with the Democrat party.

It appears Gabbard’s chief complaint of the current Democrat party is the open support and purposeful antagonistic acts of warmongers within the Democrat party. Democrats have shown overwhelming support of $54B to Ukraine’s war efforts against Russian invasion. Both Democrats and Republicans, such as Senators Dick and his daughter Liz Chaney, have a history of pushing through policies that keep America in endless wars and unnecessary financial and political influence of other nations.

For reader’s reference, per World Population Review, America ranks first in military spending at $750B a year; out spending the second, China, which only spends $252B. Ukraine is a small country, and only has an active military force of 255000, America has the third largest military in the globe with 1,385,727; behind China and India. According to ArmedForces.eu, the USA has an active force of 1,385,727. While Ukraine’s military force only has 255,000 troops.

With many fronts, the USA requires a large navy. According to World Population Review, the USA has the world’s 4thlargest navy, but ranks 1st as the world’s most powerful navy. Ukraine’s naval force includes only 25 naval vessels.

With a clear image of the military size, we can also compare the population of both Ukraine and the USA. America is the 3rd highest population with 325 million residents: once again behind China and India. While Ukraine is ranked 39thwith a resident population just under 40,000,000.

According to Market Realist, The New York Times reports the legislative branch has spent the astronomical amount of $54B for the Ukrainian war efforts. Does this sound reasonable? When Ukraine’s yearly spending on military is usually $5.4B. The legislative branch USA is spending like it has a money-tree. The USA legfislative branch is spending like it has a money-tree.

American legislative elected officials in Washington D.C. are seeking a prolonged war that may lead to further military escalations and possibly World War III. Threats of nuclear war are being thrown around. It appears the White House has no clear answer on what the objective is in Ukraine. According to The New York Times, President Biden threatens Russia that America will be involved ‘as long as it takes”.

Instead of heeding Gabbard’s advice, leftist news has gone after her character and used aged arguments of everyone being Russian assets and racist conservatives. The political Left continue their attacks on Gabbard ever since she reached across the aisle and had a meeting with then president President Donald J. Trump, after he won his presidential election in 2016.

For example, on October 11, 2022, writer of NBC news, Rebecca Shabad, showed her political bias and opinion in a news article named “Tulsi Gabbard announces she’s leaving the Democratic Party, writing, Gabbards “comments aligned much more with the views held by Republican elected officials, who have blamed Democrats for a rise in crime and for a surge of migrants entering the country at the Mexican border.”

Shabad is expecting her readers to rely on her opinions and integrity in regards to military tactics, world affairs and war over Tulsi Gabbard. According to Biography, “Tulsi Gabbard has served in the U.S. House of Representatives on behalf of Hawaii's 2nd congressional district since 2012. Having been deployed to Iraq (2004-2005) and Kuwait (2008-2009) as part of the Hawaii Army National Guard, Gabbard is one of the first female combat veterans and the first Hindu to be elected to Congress.”

When a voice like ex-democrat Tulsi Gabbard talks about her experience we should listen. The issue of nuclear war transcends politics. This is a game the democrats hope to win. They are use to bullying their way through life without consequences. The media is willing to profit from war coverage at the expense of American blood.


1. Archie, A. (2022, October 12). Former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard says she is leaving the Democratic Party. National Public Radio. Retrieved October 15, 2022, from https://www.npr.org/2022/10/12/1128307544/tulsi-gabbard-democratic-party

2. ArmedForces.eu (2019). Countries by active military personnel. ArmedForces.

3. Biography.com Editors (2019, November 18). Tulsi Gabbard Biography. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from https://www.biography.com/political-figure/tulsi-gabbard

4. Erlanger, SA. et al. (2022, June 30). Biden Vows To Back Ukraine ‘as long as it takes’ Despite Economic Toll. The New York Times. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from html nytimes.com/2022/06/30/world/europe/biden-nato-ukraine-russia.html?fbclid=IwAR3cG Y6_E2BcbWsxrDxN-6RArlZ1RiCdb3xsRqbERlqPBDSb3xflnqKUKc

5. Gabbard, T. (2022). Tulsi Gabbard Podcast. Tulsi Gabbard. https://www.tulsigabbard.com/podcast/

6. Hagstrom, A. (2022, October 11). Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal' | Fox News.Retrieved October 17). Retrieve from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tulsi-gabbard-leaves-democratic-party-denounces-elitist-cabal

7. Hennis, A. (2022, August 11). The U.S. Has Sent Billions of Dollars in Aid to Ukraine — Breaking It All Down. Market Realist. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from https://marketrealist.com/p/how-much-money-has-the-us-sent-to-ukrainie/

8. Shabad, R. (2022, October 11). Tulsi Gabbard announces she's leaving the Democratic Party. NBC News. Retrieved October 17, 2022 from https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/tulsi-gabbard-announces-leaving-democratic-party-rcna51659

9. The Tulsi Gabbard Show. (2022, October 11). Leaving the Democrat Party [The Tulsi Gabbard Show]. YouTube. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from https://youtu.be/H4Z1x8Ou8VU

10. The White House. (2022, March 16). Fact Sheet on US Security Assistance for Ukraine. The White House. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/16/fact-sheet-on-u-s-security-assistance-for-ukraine/

11. World Population Review. (2022). Largest Navies in the World 2022. World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-navies-in-the-world

12. World Population Review. (2022). Military Spending by Country 2022. World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-navies-in-the-world


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