A List of Alaska Appellate Court Cases Involving Patterns of OCS Abuse of Families
Hello, I am Jessica Schultz Pleasant. I hope this research will help women of Alaska in the middle of OCS abuse accusations. I am a paralegal, and as such I am not represented as an attorney and I can not give legal advice. This list is just a resource for making your case when you see the dark side of our government. I will provide links to each case and I will likely end up giving a description to make this resource more reader friendly. This list will begin with the most recent. I hope this is helpful. Stay strong, Mothers. And a Happy Belated Mothers’ Day. Take care! Alaska Supreme Court Decisions 2022 1. Dapo v. Dept. of Health & Soc. Svcs Date: May 13, 2022 Docket Number: S-17878 https://law.justia.com/cases/alaska/supreme-court/2022/s-17878.html 2. K.J. (Mother) v. State of Alaska, DHSS, OCS (Unpublished) Date: January 5, 2022 Docket Number: S-18040 https://law.justia.com/cases/alaska/supreme-court/2022/s-18040.html Alaska Supreme Court Decision...
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