Kyle Rittenhouse

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the "Summer of Love" last year, experienced some of  the worst rioting. This led to Kenosha citizens bracing and defending their homes and local businesses that benefit their community. Cowardly local politicians told police to stand down. So, brave young men and women did try to contribute in cleaning and defending their community.

One horrible night started with rioters of BLM trying to set a dumpster on fire near what looked like a gas station and car lots. It ended with 17 yo Kyle Rittenhouse shooting 3 criminal white men of BLM. Sometimes it seems like most protestor at blm riots are 20 yo white males. Enemy number one usually to liberals are white males and yet all the "white boys" go into black communities and kill jobs and black people.

After assaulting Kyle violently three men were shot. The first man threatened to kill Kyle the entire night as Kyle provided medical aid to any person hurt. Regardless of what side you were on Kyle was helping and putting out fires. Putting out a dumpster fire triggered the mentally unstable Rosenbaum, with 5 boys as rape victims between 9 and 12; I believe.
Kyle's was then chased for blocks, not aiming or firing on any one else. The prosecution didn't argue "provocation", which would mean Kyle went there and pointed his gun at someone. After the defense got Gross to admit he pointed his gun at Kyle the prosecutor Binger realized they lost the case. So, "provocation" was a last minute hail Mary with grainy footage.

 By the way the DA had a high definition video and never gave it to Kyle. The DA now has the jury obsessing over the grainy footage. The footage shouldn't have been evidence because the program used has in its manual it shouldn't be used as an evidence. 

Now, we are going in to day 3 of deliberations. There is a motion to dismiss and prosecutorial misconduct, but Judge Shroeder decided to answer the motion after the verdict. He seems determined to maybe hope for a not guilty but will dismiss it for justice to be served if Kyle is wrongfully charged by an influenced and scared jury.

The strangest thing happened, people tuned into the trial after spending a year calling Kyle a racist were shocked to find out every single person shot were white. Kyle would be the worst white supremacist in the world. But liberals read these long news article titles the media uses now, knowing you'll never read past them, to say Kyle killed 3 BLM protestors assuming they were black. This case is waking up a lot of lefties that now write tweets claiming, by their own words, they were in a liberal bubble and they now believe Kyle.

This case isn't just about Kyle. We haven't made him a messiah. He is in a case that can change the Second Amendment to bare arms. It is the Left that made him a martyr!
Good luck Kyle. We all know you're innocent. You are suffering and I saw you cry. I imagine my baby in your position, not much younger than you, and I can say this, if he got in to trouble I wouldn't care if he had to claw through flesh to get home. That's what matters!

You matter Kyle. And I pray you find peace. 


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