Congratulations Kyle Rittenhouse

True blooded Americans that believe in human rights have always known by viewing the first video of Kyle being assaulted that Kyle was:
1. Was being chased
2. Same actions by people in the video have been seen in other videos during the Summer of Love. Other videos show people can die just from a head blow when knocked to the ground. 
3. He was carrying legally
4. He has a father in Kenosha. I believe both parents homes count of the child's community. But the media acted like a 20 min drive across a Stateline was like entering a whole other country.
5. The fear in Kyle's eyes made you understand he was in over his head and absolutely no one came to help him.
6. He said he was turning himself in during videos.
7. He approached police with caution and showed he was no threat.

I believe the prosecution withheld a lot of evidence. For example, out of know where,  after the start of jury deliberations, we find out 'Jump Kick Man' was a black man named Maurice Freeland. You see the mainstream media knows people only get news from them and they used the low information voters by saying Kyle killed BLM rioters. By calling them BLM many rioters were thinking Kyle shot 3 black men. So, if the prosecution exposed Freeland it would prove all three men that assaulted Kyle were all white! The one man that could have killed Kyle with a kick to the head was black and he was never shot. He got away with the assault. If Kyle is a white supremacist, then he is the worse white supremacist. The news are acting criminally and stoking race wars

When Kyle was found not guilty my heart leaped and broke at the same time. I was so happy that Kyle won and we all did when he did. Our 2A is even more important when the government protects criminals and purposefully hurts victims. Especially victims made with the effort of the government. Alaska is one state that has a runaway government and criminally acting judges.

Kyle had a fair judge. I do wonder if the judge calculated that if he didn't sequester the jury they would see the media and they would be angry seeing more damage to their city.

I believe the jury was definitely lost when the prosecutor minimized the acts of Rosenbaum burning their city. Unbelievably this white Prosecutor did a 'task tsk' almost laughing that Rosenbaum used the N-word. I thought that was UNBELIEVABLE!


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