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 You may be asking why I chose the name The Conservative Fem. At face value one can guess my political stance but "Fem" is short for Feminist. The word "feminist" has been perverted over the decades. But for centuries there have been female revolts. When these events happen, there is one thing they have in common, the women were driven to revolt because of "family". In the past women could no longer watch their family go hungry and would be pushed to their breaking point. During the Civil War women would often be locked in towns occupied by the other Army. These women would hiss, pull away in disgust, and kick dirt at the soldiers.

So, I do not believe that today's feminism is about empowering women and the God given rights of an American. I feel the propaganda has made women react in ways that are more consistent with fight or flight reactions. Why? Investigate the pasts of the people who tell you that you are a secondary citizen. Question why they need to tell you that you are oppressed every where and at every moment. 

What is "systemic sexism"?  It is the assumption that certain sexes are prevented by laws. The left says this about every thing. It is a nice way to stir up emotions and to take advantage of low information voters that feel a need to participate in history. If the media and politicians were honest, they would explain to the people that the laws protecting them already exist. 

Women have already achieved the dreams of women in the past. Once laws were in place women could finally participate in the world without relying on a male husband or family member. Instead of taking on the world with the new freedoms, some women went on to be angry and vindictive. This is how I see the radical feminists. They have forgotten women fought for rights in the 1950s to be able to speak for their children in courts ran by males.

I believe turning adult males into the enemy is abusive to any child watching. The children see women acting as if they are victimized while they are the aggressors. Little girls grow up to fear males and go one to lash out at every male. Little boys learn they are monsters and deserve to be abused by women. That is literally mental abuse of both children. I hate to believe radical feminists are behaving and talking they do if the are sane. A sane parent would want to build the character and self value of both sexes. Radical feminists are creating the monsters they feel they are fighting against.

I cannot remember where I heard my favorite quote, but it is, "I am raising a man not a boy." I believe I need to teach him to be a fair man. I want him to be a responsible man that cherishes women. Some day I imagine my son opening the door for a woman and being attacked because he was supposedly being sexist. I know my son opens the door for any sex if it is polite. To make women continue to feel like victims nasty politicians and fat cats had to keep the outrage going. The radical leftist activist need outraged individuals so they can control the minds of communities, to make a fortune through charities and for political influence. 

In conclusion, I feel laws have been made by great people of our past. Those people did not ask for more than equality. We would have to assume women were raising their sons to lose their rights. Some where a long the way family values fell apart and that is where we start the next step our forefathers and mothers envisioned. Today is the time to not make more laws that create equity but to implement the powers granted by the change. We should put our money towards community programs. We shouldn't be out destroying cities and paying for protests that are usually arguing for legal changes that already exist. If the government and all these rioting activists put their time, money and effort into what really matters then lives could be change. SJW activist that are associated with politicians and big money have an incentive to keep people outraged. There is money to be made. A politician can open up a charity like the Clintons. Then back door deals and corruption operate covertly under the guise of "helping others".

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry. It is my first and I hope you will come back.


The Conservative Fem


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