Did America Forget the Exxon Valdez Environmental Disaster?

 I was 6 years old and living in San Diego, CA, when on March 24, 1989, the ship Exxon Valdez collided into the Bligh Reef off of Prince William Sound of Alaska. The tanker ship was carrying 53.1 million US gallons of oil, and 10.8 million US gallons were spilled into Prince William Sound.

This was one of the worse environmental disasters in our history before The Deep Water Horizon Oil spill on April 20, 2010. Our youth have seen disasters from the oil rigs at the source and the unsafe practice of shipping oil by ship and train. No one seems to share the pictures of Exxon Valdez, which is relevant event even in today's oil resource debate. 

The safest means to transport oil is argued to be the Keystone Pipeline. This is the project Trump finally delivered for Americans. All presidents have talked about developing the pipeline, but none were brave enough or focused enough to do the right thing for Americans. Transporting oil from Canada made a stronger alliance with Canada. You want those relations when you share a continent with a foreign power and need to defend it together in war. 

Biden prefers these jobs and community benefits to be second to buying oil from Countries that benefit from Americans paying more at the pump. We are beholden to other countries when we are not self sufficient. Being "self sufficient" isn't a talking point of the Left, because that may mean the viewers might think for themselves. And God forbid the Left wing viewers of MSM see both sides of any argument. 

The Keystone Pipeline was approved by the Trump administration. This provided land owners, like the Native American and Canadian tribes along the pipeline's path. They cherished their land and now with the technological and environmentally safe options they can participate in the market and open up more doors for their minority communities. If the tribe's are satisfied with their decision, who is some white liberal with a liberal arts degree going to speak for the them?

According to OK Energy Today, Canadian Indian tribes say cancellation of Keystone XL was a "blow" to them, by Jerry Bohnen, he explains tribes from Canada, and American states of Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska are suffering from the Keystone pipeline being cancelled. Biden had no concern for the contracts and investments of the tribes. Each tribe invested their own energy and funding to build the pipeline and in one flick of a pen Biden "Bernie Madoff'd" all of their hard earned money. Biden is all about criminal franchises.

Beyond the use of land, the pipeline created jobs and new businesses were created. At the pump, America saw the policy change for the Keystone Pipeline and oil independence goals of the Trump Administration. Trump has been accused of destroying the environment by the Keystone Pipeline being buried underground. The news does not explain the pipeline was an idea to avoid accidents like the well forgotten EXXON Valdez oil spill. They do not show the ship had oil caking the shores and suffocating sea life and birds. The possible disasters of transportation of oil out of the ground and transported by vulnerable means of sea and rail could be avoided. Common sense is to keep the oil in the ground. Oil would start in the North Canadian and Alaska area and make its way through underground pipelines to refine the oil along the American Gulf of Mexico shores. A spill on land and underground is much easier to manage than oil seeping into ocean waters and disasters of oil spills on railway lines through wilderness. 

The above are arguments people in the MSM and the left want us not to hear. If the Left showed EXXON Valdez images they fear people would have common sense to know the safest transportation of oil is for it to stay underground and pipelines. SMH

Thanks for 


- Marine Insight, The Complete Story of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (marineinsight.com)

- EPA, Deepwater Horizon – BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill | Enforcement | US EPA

- OK Energy Today, Canadian Indian tribes say cancellation of Keystone XL was a “blow” to them – Oklahoma Energy Today (okenergytoday.com)


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